Stacey's Trip to China

I am Studying Abroad in Shanghai, China for 6 weeks! I thought I would share some of my thoughts, stories, and experiences with you. Enjoy and leave me messages!

Monday, June 26, 2006

What time is it?

I will make this very short, because I am absolutely exhausted. Today I went to orientation. Basically we watched a PowerPoint on ECNU and got a tour. I found out that the ”Normal" in East China Normal University does not mean whatever we perceive normal to mean in the US. Rather, it is a French word that has something to do with teaching. Much to my surprise, ECNU is a school that specializes in teaching! Everyone who goes to this school ends up with a teaching degree! Right up my alley. The lady that took us on our tour told me that she is going to try to set up something for me to get into the Special Education classes. Although they will be in Chinese, I can later speak with the professors one-on-one or with a translator. How cool!

Drew and I spent time just outside the University today. There is this beautiful park just down the road. We walked around and tried to see the beluga whale in an aquarium (it was too expensive! 110 Yuan for the show... which equals about 15 dollars. There is about 8 Yuan to every dollar). So instead we rented a paddle boat and paddled out onto a lake. It was nice but WAY too hot. We were drenched in sweat by the time we got back to ECNU. So we spent the next 2 hours lying in our air conditioned rooms.

Around 3pm we went with a small group of students and the professors to downtown Shanghai. Although we are in downtown, we are not in the main downtown. We went up the TV tower and looked out over the city. It was cool, but it would have been a lot cooler if the smog wasn't so bad. But we still could see all of the close buildings. There is one building here that is the tallest building in all of Asia. It was impressive. I know it has over 80 floors... I just can't remember exactly how many. All of the buildings are gorgeous downtown though. They do not look like typical Asian buildings at all. In fact, many of them were built by the British many years ago, so parts of the city... like the Bund, look like they would fit right into Europe. I believe the Bund is a section of Shanghai that is a very well-to-do section. It's like a block of the city where Armani, D&G, Channel, ect. are all located. It's pretty amazing. After dinner (no unusual food tonight! Professor Shang picked out normal things for me!) and once it got dark we took a ferry down the river to see the Bund all lit up. It was beautiful, but slow going and I fell asleep. I suppose I have not adapted as quickly as I thought I had. I am so exhausted right now and it's only 10:30. So it is off to bed for me, for I have class at 8:30 tomorrow morning. Wish me luck; I will be in a Chinese language class bright and early. I hope you all are well. Thank you for your messages. They keep me from being too homesick.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Sweetie!! I'm home from DC and just finished reading all your entries thus far. Shanghai sounds like an amazing place! As hard as it is right now to be away from home and Joe, you'll adjust more and more every day and I'm sure they'll keep you super busy. A piece of advice...I spent a lot of my trip out west (summer science) being homesick and missing Brett - and I honestly missed out on some of my trip because of that! So just try to take advantage of this amazing opportunity and enjoy your experience as much as you possibly can - who knows when you'll be in China again? At the same time though, I know what it's like to be homesick, and I'll definitely be thinking about you and praying for you. In the mean time, try some new things and have fun! Good luck with the Chinese!

I love you, and I miss you dear!


Tuesday, June 27, 2006 3:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OH, and p.s. - How jealous am I that they have season 2 of Greys!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006 3:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey stacey! I can't believe everything that you have experienced in the last couple of days. What an awesome experience though... I wish that I was there with you :) I am very proud of you for not eating those live shrimp things....ewww- there would be no way! But I hope you are enjoying all the other chinese food... which I'm sure is not a problem. Good luck with all the classes; you will improve on your chinese... you just have to give it some time I'm sure. I am very excited to see some pictures, so whenever you get a chance, post them, ok? And season 2 of Grey's??!?! Oh man, now I definately don't think I can wait 6 weeks for you to get home! ;) Well Stacers, I am thinking a lot about you... and praying for you of course. I'm so glad that you are enjoying your group. Try to enjoy yourself and make the best of it. These next 6 weeks will fly by, I'm sure of it. :) Take care, I miss you already.

I love you.


Tuesday, June 27, 2006 4:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Honey,
So excited to hear from you again! Shanghai sound like the most awesome place. Although we all miss you greatly at home, we also want you to have the best opportunity ever. I know you will put your heart into each and every experience. Hope you feel totally rested when you awake and read this note. Our prayers continue. Love you lots and lots!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006 10:33:00 AM  

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