Stacey's Trip to China

I am Studying Abroad in Shanghai, China for 6 weeks! I thought I would share some of my thoughts, stories, and experiences with you. Enjoy and leave me messages!

Friday, June 30, 2006

I love Shanghai!!

Today was an incredible day! There really wasn't anything too special about it, except for the fact that I was able to REALLY get out and see the city today. I saw completely different aspects of it that I never knew existed. I feel as though I have been somewhat contained to the area just around ECNU, where as there is so much more out there! I'll start from the beginning of my day.

As usual, I had class again bright and early this morning. It was so difficult to get up though because last night I stayed up late with the group because a friend that we had made from Canada left us last night, so we spent time with him until all hours of the night. It was a great time for me to get to know people from the group more, so I couldn’t pass it up, no matter how tired I was.

So I had my Chinese and Eastern Asian Studies class, with a lunch break in between. Then once EAS was done, a group of us headed across town to the Copy Market. It was INSANE! I have never seen anything like it. It was like a large courtyard set up with a million little shacks all in rows. There were thousands of people going through it... pushing, shoving, yelling, ect. People were getting up in your face trying to get you to come into their shack, because they were all selling the same things. Fake purses, scarves, sunglasses, shoes, luggage, shirts, clothes, jackets, you name it, they had it. The bartering was great. I was pretty good at it and I managed to come out of there spending a pretty small amount. Drew wants to go back a little later, I don't know if I will be able to handle it, but I'm thinking about buying a little suitcase to use for my carryon, so I might have to. So after sweating buckets and getting ridiculously Closter phobic, we left and met up with Matt and Beau, two of the guys on the trip.

Matt was on this trip last year and fell in love with Shanghai, so he came back again this year and lives with a Chinese friend that he met last year. So I asked him to show me a few spots in the city that he thought I would like. We took the subway to another section of town that is for tourists. It was SO beautiful! I felt as though I was in Naples, Florida, or California or something. It was this nice little square with expensive outdoor restaurants and shops. Foreigners were all over the place and it was actually clean! From there we walked to a mall where a Hot Pot Restaurant was located. April, I am SO glad you recommended for me to go there. I LOVED IT! Hot Pot is like a fondue place. You order a type of meat that you want, and the type of veggies that you want, and then they bring this big bowl full of one or two different types of sauce like concoctions that they put in this big whole in the middle of your table that has a hot pad under it to make the sauce boil. Once the sauce is at a full boil you dump your meat and veggies all in, then after about a minute you fish them out with your chopsticks. We chose to have beef, lamb and eel for our meats, and then we had asparagus (SO hard to find here! I was so excited! And I really don't even like asparagus that much!), American mushrooms (SO excited for the American kind! Even though I don't mind the Chinese kind too much), cabbage and potatoes. I love it. Matt and Beau told me that there is a place that does Hot Pot over on East Paris and 28th, so I am going to have to check it out when I get back. P.S. The Eel was disgusting. I gave it a shot and it tasted like rubber... sick.

After Hot Pot we had a long walk back to the subway, but it was so enjoyable! The sun was down and it wasn't quite as hot, although it was still SO humid. We walked by the Shanghai Theatre, City Center and Museum. It was a beautiful night and it made me wish that Joe was there... Shanghai can be so romantic at night! I hope to someday come back here with Joe, and then I would get to stay in a nice hotel rather than a dormitory... that would be a nice change!

Once we finally got back from seeing the town (I really feel as though I walked 1/2 across Shanghai! My feet are killing me!) I was able to get onto my now working internet and check my email. I really enjoy this time of night because I get to hear from my friends and family, but I also get to reflect on my day. Within my email tonight I had a nice email from my boss at the Key Department. Thanks for the email John, I wasn't expecting it and it was a fabulous surprise! I never thought that you would sacrifice your identity to email me in "Commie Country", but it enjoyable to read. I do miss the Key Department lots and I will come up and see you once I get back. Oh and um... I think you put a code phrase in the email, and I can't figure it out. Any hints? :o)

And OH MY GOODNESS! I just got an email from Sarah! SO good to hear from you! I miss you tons and I know you are reading my blog right this very minute! I hope life is fabulous and I can't wait to get back and tell you all about it! Are you sure you don't want to do Camp Sunshine with Leah and me? Hehehe J/k. Good luck with your mom. You can do it! Muah!

Joseph, I love you and thanks for the email. I always read them first. Then yours mom, don't worry. I love those ones too. I should have guessed that my mother would send about 2 emails a day to me ;o) I love every one of them and I enjoy hearing about your days. I will be praying for Grandpa and Katey. And I haven't forgotten about you Erin. I love your messages as well. They always make me smile. I wish you were here with me. You would love it. Have you decided if you are doing session 2 with Leah and me? Email Cindy if you want to.

So that was it for my day, but my experiences were so cool that I just wanted to share them all with you. I am loving it here more and more as the days go by. The culture shock is wearing off and now I am used to not being able to understand what people are saying. Waking up in China every morning is an amazing experience that I wouldn't change for anything. I'm so grateful for this experience and I know that I will carry it with me for the rest of my life.

I love and miss you all but LOVING my life right now!

P.S. Can you believe that a year from now I will be preparing for my wedding in less than a month?! AAAHHH!!!! Love you Joe!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

HI Stacey!!

I'm so glad you're having such a wonderful experience. I'm really enjoying your blog during my lunch times b/c I don't get to talk to you much as it is so it's nice to hear what you're experiencing. Enjoy it! It will go all too fast!


Friday, June 30, 2006 1:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stace-face!! How are you dear? It sounds like you are doing very well and Shanghai sounds amazing! I really want to go to that copy market!! I went to Mainstreet Pub with Brett and some of his friends the other night, and it made me miss you. : ( I wish I could've called you and Joe to come and join us, but I'm sure we'll have time to when you get back. We should all go out to that Hot Pot place in GR - it sounds amazing! I love reading your blog and hearing about your awesome experience. I'll try to keep the messages coming your way too. : ) Oh, and which email address do you prefer? I think you have two on facebook. But anyway, I hope you continue to have an amazing time in China. I love you and I miss you very much!


Friday, June 30, 2006 2:02:00 AM  

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