Hi everyone. I just woke up (slept in, it felt SO good!) and since I did not blog last night, I thought I would do it this morning before Erin and I head out.
Yesterday was okay. I had class and then just kind of hung out until Erin got here. When she got here we went with a group for dinner to an Indian restaurant. It's was pretty good! Joe, aren’t you proud of me? Except there was lots of meat in this Indian food... and Joe, you said there wasn't too much meat in your food down in India. But the Nan was fantastic. Did you have that there? And I managed to live through the spiciness.
After dinner we walked a few miles to Plan B, the Canadian Bar I told you about earlier. There was no one there, and of course I didn't feel like drinking. So after sitting around for a little while, Erin, Kendall and I caught a cab back and we went to bed. Pretty non-eventful day.
Interesting thing though, there's a Typhoon coming in from the coast to Shanghai! Cool huh? I'm looking out my window as I write this right now and it seems as though there is a possibility that it missed us. It was supposed to rain all day today, but it's not raining right now and the clouds do not look like rain. But we'll see at the time goes on. It actually made the weather really nice for the past few days. While it was still hot and humid, the wind has picked up quite a bit, which feels amazing. Except when it rained a little yesterday... then it's impossible to have an umbrella because it turns inside out.
Today Erin and I are heading out into Shanghai. We are going to do some shopping, and possibly, when she checks her email, go into an orphanage. If not today, then possibly the weekend after we get back from Tibet. Hopefully... keep your fingers crossed.
So onto emails. First, Jay and Janice, thank you for your kind emails. I know I emailed you back already, but I just wanted to acknowledge them again. It was so good to hear from you and it probably made my wait for Glen Arbor just that much harder! Janice, I'm so excited for my favorite meals! Thanks for waiting until I get there! Oh and I just wanted to share with everyone else the story about Molly and Maggie in the bank. It makes me giggle every time I hear it.
So, Janice took the kids to the bank the other day and they were talking to the manager about doing chores to get money. The lady said that those chores are her husband’s job now that he is retired. So Molly pipes up and tells her that her babysitter, Stacey, is now retired from babysitting because she is in China. And then the manager was talking about grandparents spoiling grandkids and Maggie told her that their babysitter Stacey spoils them like that. Oh man, best kids ever. I can't wait until I get to see them again!
I just got another email from Maggie. Her spelling and typing is getting to be so good! I will have to email her back later today.
I also got an email from Pam Steketee Mom and Dad. When you see her tell her that I appreciate it greatly.
Mom, while I am sad that you are not going to Guatemala, I completely understand. You work hard and you have a lot on your plate with Camp Compass right now. You're right; it just doesn't seem possible for you to get away, especially since you are down at Taylor with Erin this weekend. I know it must have been difficult on you to pass this trip up. You have always wanted to go. But how exciting for Erin!!! I hope she has the time of her life. She and Kinsey will get along great and I know this will just show Erin more about what she wants to do in her life later. I will be praying for her, Aunt Nanc, Kinsey and of course baby Katherine. Try not to be too disappointed while Erin is gone. I know you will be fine because you will have plenty of things to keep you busy... such as emailing me :o)
Miss April. Your email brought me to tears, both happy tears and sad tears. This trip to Florida was your dream, and here you are in a very similar situation. Just know that I will be praying for you like crazy. And I'm so proud of you for being published in a magazine already!!! When the magazine comes out please tell me and I will find it just to see the advertisement that you designed. Oh and there better be a picture of me up in that new office that you are getting :o) The fabulous group of 4 needs a picture. Onto the other thing. I'm not going to say it on here. But just know that I have been praying about this for the past year. I know that this is something that you have been looking for a long time. I will continue to pray that you find your way as this journey continues. You're right, this is something that you need to do for yourself... and you deserve it. I'm just so excited for you! I hope that this group you are going to on Saturday night is just what you are looking for. I love you tons! P.S. these Philosophical conversations really aren't that great... but I know it is one of your passions. I'll try to keep you in mind while we are having them. I might appreciate them more. ;o)
Alright, well I'm getting into the shower. I hope you all have a great weekend. Love you all.
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