Stacey's Trip to China

I am Studying Abroad in Shanghai, China for 6 weeks! I thought I would share some of my thoughts, stories, and experiences with you. Enjoy and leave me messages!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Another Tuesday

Hi everyone,

This blog will be a short one due to lack of things to talk about. But to make up for it I will post some more pictures.

Today was fairly uneventful. I found out this morning that we will not be continuing Chinese class into next week! So that means that Monday is my exam! It will be nice to be able to sleep in for the rest of the week. These early mornings have been killing me. Unfortuately, they aren't all that early, and I will have to start waking up even earlier this coming fall! Ahh!

Kendall and I are working out plans to head to Beijing this weekend. We were planning on going when we got back from Tibet, but since our trip changed, we figured we would take the opportunity and run with it. He is in the process of making the plans through a travel agent. It's still up in the air I guess. But if we do go, we are planning on taking the overnight train to Beijing on Friday night, going straight to The Wall in the morning, do a little more sightseeing in the afternoon and then taking the overnight train back down to Shanghai on Saturday night. A fairly quick trip, but it will be my one chance to see The Wall, so keep your fingers crossed.

I am meeting with a missionary from here in Shanghai that my mom got me in contact with tomorrow. My mom passed along my email address to a few people and she emailed me asking if we could meet for dinner or something. I feel so blessed that this woman, who doesn't even know me, would go out of her way to take me out. What an answer to prayers. So she is picking me up from ECNU tomorrow afternoon, we are going to do a little shopping and then she is taking me out for American food. SO excited.

So I officially have 5 bridesmaids at this moment. Still waiting on one more to reply. Sarah Beth.. I'm getting a little impatient over here. You better get home and reply to that invite ASAP. But it was great to hear from Megan, Becca, Amy and Leah! I can't believe we are almost a year away... Can't wait for my new life to begin :o)

Mom, just thought that I would let you know that I got a sweet message from Aunt Ylva. I miss her! How about we go down to visit her over Christmas or Thanksgiving break. Sound good? Oh and in Erin's email she told me that she will bring home a kid from Guatemala and then I can bring one home from China.. how does that sound? Do you want 2 new kids? I thought you would... Also mom, I will be making a trip back to my pearl place. They are fresh water cultured pearls and they look great. Would you like white (ivory), pink or black? Also, big or small?

Joe, thanks for all of the emails that I have been getting lately. They have been appriciated. I miss you more and more evey day.

Finally, I just wanted to give a quick update about our Tibet trip. Shang and Ni spoke to us again and it looks as though we might be able to ride the train afterall. We for sure will be flying there, but Ni had a contact in the Army who is stationed in Tibet who promised to get us tickets for the new train that would take us from Lhasa to another city (24 hour train ride) and then we would fly the rest of the way home. It's not definite yet. They are not trusting this until the tickets are in their hands. So we'll see. But it would be amazing to ride on the new train. I'll keep you updated.

Thanks again for all of the prayers and emails! Love you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Friday, August 11, 2006 9:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Wednesday, August 16, 2006 6:04:00 PM  

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