July 21 :o)
I'm too tired to write a long post tonight, but I suppose I don't have too much to write anyway.
Thank you Alex for the wonderful emails. I missed getting them :o) I hope you are still having a wonderful time in Cabo. Can't wait to catch up when I get back :o)
Tori, LOVED LOVED LOVED the email! I laughed so hard I couldn't breath. Oh man, wish I could have been there to see "Crazy". While you were able to contain your laughter, I would not have been able to. Oh and tonight, after reading about you tripping out of nowhere, I was walking down the road from dinner, trying to avoid "China Juice" as we call it (All of the nasty water in the streets), and I ran right into a phonebooth... It was a classic key department action. Miss you girls lots! (And the guys too)
Mom, I will email you back tomorrow to answer all of your questions.
Um... what else. As you can see, I did not go to Beijing. The plans just did not work out, so unfortunately I will not be able to see The Wall while I am here in China. It's very unfortunate, but it just didn't happen. Hopefully someday I will get back here to see it :o)
I have 2 large exams next week. The first is Monday morning, for my Chinese class. It is going to be impossible. My weekend will be consumed with studying! I also have a paper and a take home exam due before I leave for Tibet next week. I can't wait for this week to be over with!
Oh and I got another email from Nancy and we are going to get together on Monday afternoon once my exam is done. I'm glad that we will be able to meet up one more time.
Finally, I would just like to remind you all that 365 days from now I will be Mrs. Joseph Andrew VanLaan :o) As Joe wrote in an email yesterday, it's a little scary, but very exciting at the same time. I can't wait.
Alright well I am heading off to bed. Goodnight!
Here are some links that I believe will be interested
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.
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